Backing up .PST's to the cloud effectively


Jan 21, 2016
Medium sized business 2000 people.

Connected HP Backup is used to backup people’s data in HP’s Datacentre. We have 3 sites, 30Mb split across 3 sites, 10Mb each.

700 people per site (not exactly), our bandwidth is all used because of Connected HP Backup. We’re using QoS but due to the amount of people backing up, modifying files it’s just all backup traffic.

The most problematic files are .PST’s (Outlook Archive Files) but this is a critical file we need to backup, we cannot exempt it. Connected HP Backup does not know how to read .PST files so if the file was modified by 1KB it would still upload let’s say the whole 1.5GB’s. That’s not efficient at all. We also do not want to back up on file shares locally in case the user wants to access the backups from home, as It would use our upload bandwidth.

Question is; what would be a better way of backing up a lot of user’s data without taking all of the bandwidth? Is there a program that can read the small amount of modifications and instead of re-uploading a whole 1.5GB’s it’d just upload the 1KB edit?

EDIT: We have Office 365 however Office becomes slow and unresponsive when the .OST file reaches around 3.5GB, and if the mail box breaks for some reason you'd have to download potentially 30GB's of data over a 10Mb/s shared network. Which isn't ideal.
I think you need to have a conversation with HP as you are paying them for services that are not working out.

There are different types of backups and you should be able to set up a fairly straightforward backup SOPs that can be done in house. The backup "tapes" can be taken offsite (as they should be) for security and protection.

I am reading in network, hardware, software, and operational (SOPs), and budgetary problems in your posting. Plus I have a sense that you do not really have freedom to do what you really know needs to be done.

Overall, the problem you have needs professional study and input. Far too complicated for just a "magic bullet" of some sort.

See what HP recommends and then present that information, along with your comments and insight, and go from there.