[citation][nom]mlopinto2k1[/nom]This is a little too accessible for my likes. 4,000 GRAND for all of that? Jesus. In 3 years, it'll be $1,500 and EVERYONE will have it. Say good-bye to society as we know it today and social interaction. Then it'll be those Holo-Bands..[/citation]
The same was said of the internet, etc... Human nature isn't going to change, and as long as that happens, there is always going to be human interaction.
If you think porn is a substitute for a woman, you're really in bad shape. Woman can do other things like clean and prepare food! So, now you're talking a maid (preferable French), and 3D porn, and the numbers go up.
Most importantly, they give companionship though. So in order to replace them completely, figure on an expensive cat (Maine wise scholar, would be best), or a dog. Add that expense to it as well. Of course, you won't get the headaches from women, but your initial supposition that the cost is very accessible definitely leaves out some important secondary and tertiary functions of women.