Just wait, they are going to tie in that sex robot into this package in a few years, along with a full bodied pleasure suit. So you can get the whole package, and never have to leave you home. They will have the stripe club and dance club expansion Blu-Rays for an even more exciting experience.
This Is Bad. What If One Night I'm Drunk As Hell I'm Watching On 3D And Get The Glorious Idea To Bust A Nut On Some 3D Chicks Ass Or Face. Except It Actually The TV Screen And I Pass Out With Jiz On The Screen For Everyone TO See!! Bummer
[citation][nom]lasaldude[/nom]This Is Bad. What If One Night I'm Drunk As Hell I'm Watching On 3D And Get The Glorious Idea To Bust A Nut On Some 3D Chicks Ass Or Face. Except It Actually The TV Screen And I Pass Out With Jiz On The Screen For Everyone TO See!! Bummer[/citation]
you live a lonely life im guessing?
[citation][nom]gti88[/nom]I hope that one day "ghosting" will be eliminated. I'll wait another 5 years when the technology's more mature... (I think it was pun )[/citation]
It's not ghosting my friend....it's just your imagination after watching 3D porn 😉.
[citation][nom]rambo117[/nom]you live a lonely life im guessing?[/citation]
"Nope! I'm very much alive My Friend"
you have guessed so very wrong on your assumption.
If I were "lonely" then there would be no "everyone" to find me passed out. Sorry, but I should have elaborated on my intensional joke and explained in clear detail that my roommates and friends would find me passed-out instead of the said "EVERYONE".
im down too work to make a 3D porn movie i got the idea the other day so i googled it if it was already in progress and i guess its bearly in the thinking about it stage but im the one too be hired 18 with alot of ideas hit me up im from somerton Az Alfonso L.