[citation][nom]gogogadgetliver[/nom]MS is not making money off repairs. They are *at best* breaking even. The reason this person got banned isn't because they gave repair money to someone else. The reason this person got banned is because they used a 3rd party to replace a component that can be used for piracy detection and it just happens to be the #1 mod used to allow altered software to run.Sucks to be this gamer but as another XBL user I'm glad they did this.[/citation]
my a$$ they arn't making money off repairs .. when i called to se about xbox 360 drive repalcment , they told me 100 bucks .... you do realize that you can go to ANY website and buy a cheap a$$ phillips , or Haitichi (the brands most xbox360's use) DVD drive for as little as 15 bucks now. wow is that breaking even? ... GEESUS even if MS covers shipping both ways they stil make like 60-70 bucks pure profit (shipping a xbox 360 by ground slowest method would run maybe 20 bucks at most) even it if shipping was 40 (20 there 20 back) that comes to 15 +40 = 55 , they are still grabbing a 45 dollar profit off dvd drive repairs.
"My state requires car insurance. If you refuse to purchase car insurance, you lose your driver's license and get slapped with a $500 fine."
Driver licenses and driving cars , is not considered a right. Driving is considered a privilage in the US. I don't drive, never have driven , and even i learned this in high school. So really comparing driving to using xbox live or buying a console is not the same thing.