Basic connection advice needed


Mar 29, 2012
New to home theater tech. Purchased these components and want to know the best way to connect them (meaning quality, ease of use/flexibility and utilization of features): Smart 4 k HD TV Sony Bravia X900E; Marantz NR1606 AV Receiver; Oppo UDP-203 disk player (does not have apps for streaming, so that must come from the TV) and I have Directv.

I got latest standard HDMI cables. I know I need to connect an HDMI between the TV and Receiver via ARC HDMI connections.

Its the other connections I am unsure of: I believe I should connect the Oppo to the Marantz to get best sound, but not sure about the Directv connection. One person told me to put everything through the receiver, but would cause a problem given the Oppo doesn't have internet apps for streaming. Would I still be able to watch Directv without the receiver being on when the TV speakers would be good enough for some content etc. etc.

Thanks for helping me out.
Connect all your sources (BD and DTV box) to the receiver directly.
Connect the HDMI output of the receiver to the TV HDMI ARC input.
Turn on ARC in the TV menu.
Set up the receiver as per the manual.
OK no answers and I am told my question isn't clear. I think it clear but then I am asking so obviously I don't know stuff. I will connect my TV to receiver via HDMI ARC. I will connect by blue ray player to the AV Receiver. Question: Do I connect my Directv to the receiver or the TV?