Solved! Battery not charging

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Nov 17, 2018
I have a Lenovo flex 5. About a year old. I used the laptop last night and wanted to use it now and it’s showing low battery. So I decide to plug it in to charge. However the charging isn’t constant. Within a span of 2-3 seconds, the laptop goes from “charging” to “not charging” back and forth no matter what I do. I need help. It’s not the charger because I tried my extra one already and the same issue occurs. It’s a non removable battery as well. Please help. I’m on a study abroad trip outside the US and need my laptop to do work. Please please please
Most batteries are still removable, they have just made it complicated to do so on your own.

There is no quick fix here. It needs a new battery. If you want to try and do the replacement yourself you may be able to find a video online to help walk you through it. Or if it is under warranty, try contacting the manufacturer. The only other option is to try a local tech.
Most batteries are still removable, they have just made it complicated to do so on your own.

There is no quick fix here. It needs a new battery. If you want to try and do the replacement yourself you may be able to find a video online to help walk you through it. Or if it is under warranty, try contacting the manufacturer. The only other option is to try a local tech.
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