Lookie Lookie what I found! Hope this helps, I'm going to try it.
(at: http

/community.compuserve.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?msg=82988.1&nav=messages&webtag=ws-laptop) This is the forum recommended on the Toshiba site. Here's the text in case you don't want to go there:
Classic for a power socket issue that is well KNOWN in that generation Toshiba laptops. Lucky you, Toshiba America has given Toshiba America machines an EXTENDED warranty good till November 2007, so it is SERVICE TIME
- www.pcrepair.toshiba.com has worldwide service provider information. Get it IN for service, you only have 2months left on that extended warranty
later post:
If it is a Toshiba America machine, due to a class action lawsuit they settled and part of the settlement was a extension on your warranty till Nov 2007. You can find details on that at www.ts.toshiba.com, but you can also contact a Toshiba ASP/PASP about it since they all should know about this.
And yep, if not covered under warranty, then bringing a pigtail out with something like a molex 2 wire socket would probably solve the problem for those willing to and capable of doing the soldering/unsoldering stuff. WHY Toshiba has continued to solder that socket DIRECT to the mobo KNOWING all the complaints/failures in the past is beyond me. Putting the socket on the case and short ribbon cable to the systemboard would solve this issue and probably would NOT be a major expense to Toshiba, but apparently they STILL are soldering to the systemboard. Someone said they had beefed up the attachment point in new machines, but it STILL is a stress point and probably will STILL (but at a lower rate) continue to be a bone of contention
Take care - Get that machine into Toshiba ASAP if it is a Toshiba America machine and let Toshiba fix it under the warranty would be my suggestion
Frankly, I am very surprised that someone has NOT come out with another classaction lawsuit over this poorly designed issue (can you say DESIGN FLAW?? I knew you could <vbg!!> doing my best Mr. Rogers schtick)