Battlefield 4 capable gaming laptop


May 11, 2012
I have a budget of nearly $1300 and i am planning to buy a laptop(only after the 1st of Nov) & I would like to know a laptop which could run the game smoothly.....I do not require vey high settings.....medium is fine....but I would really like it if the laptop could support high settings....
I have no idea why anyone would want to spend 1300 on a gaming laptop, when you can literally get a desktop alternative that would be 100000000000000000000000000000000000 times way more faster (for the same price).


To answer, I bought the Lenovo y500 GeForce 750m sli for about 1100 dollars and I'm pretty sure it will run bf4 on medium at least. It's a very capable laptop and currently the best gaming laptop for the money, the y510p is the newer haswell version. Check Lenovo's website!
ameek, everyone has different needs when it comes to gaming. Some people have jobs that keep them away from home frequently, and they want something capable of playing the latest games that they can also cart around to hotel rooms etc...


that's exactly the case with me....

Since I am going to buy in november, can you please guide me if there are any newer laptops to be launched??


i think so, definitely, if you get the 750m SLI models of the y500 or y510p, a 750m in SLI should perform about as good as a 770m or better if the game fully supports SLI, which i'd bet BF4 is, it should run just fine on medium if not high at 1080p, even higher res on 720p if you play that way.

Good answer :) I was looking at the y510p myself as an upgrade from my M14X R1. for $1100 it's a killer deal especially with the dual 750m's in SLI


FYI. There is a known issue with the Y510p regarding wifi connections. Connections may last only a few minutes before it is dropped. There have been many complaints that people who have multiple wireless devices have no problems connecting to their own wireless network, except when they try using their Y510p.

To be fair, this issues is not strictly focused solely on the Y510p nor is it poor engineering on Lenovo's behalf. The source of the problem is actually the Intel wifi adapter model used in the Y510p all other laptops using that same model will have the same problem. Fortunately it seem it is driver related and there have been posts where the issue has been resolved, but other still have the same problem.

You should google around for more info.
in any case, i thought i'd drop by this post again to point out that today i downloaded and played BF4 beta on the y500 (not 510p), using wifi, with SLI, it ran on the default medium/high graphics, at 1080P, with a steady 30-40 FPS. i'm very pleased.

well for one Its a personal machine. and MOBILE. a desktop, well YOU sit were YOU putt it.
Secondly some of us use our machines for work.
3rd. and this is just my opinion, believe that fewer people are getting desktops, choosing more so for a laptop..

Could you link me with this laptop? I am very interested to find one with 750m sli. All i find is ones with 650m non sli. (if even possible, i don't know)

1300 is perfect for the ASUS ROG G750 THIS CAN KICK ALEINWARES ASS ANY DAY AND ITS 1,250$ US dollars on
check these links and i hope this helps you i own the G750 and its just beast. It can handel any game on the market. I currently play AC Black Flag and Battlefield 4 on the highest settings!!! Heres the links: