best 1800 dollar gaming laptop


Feb 21, 2015
I have been researching gaming laptops. I would be using it for school and home use so i would want it to be portable and powerful. I have a max budget of $1800. Touchscreen would be good but it doesn't have to have it. what should i get. So far i have found the alienware 13 and msi gs60


Honestly I've always felt that spending that much on a gaming laptop won't get you anywhere. Games these days are far too demanding for mobile GPUs and low powered CPUs, which do not perform on the same level as their desktop counterparts do. I think you would be better off paying $800 for a laptop and $1000 for a desktop, set the desktop up for game streaming (you can easily purchase a GTX 970 and 4690K on that budget) and then play the games on your laptop that way. Best of both worlds there.