Best budget 11 inch Laptop For HD Movie watchin and storage, with amazin battery life

Rameez Jamion

Jun 29, 2013
Hey Guys,

I really need help in selecting a laptop; with a 11.6inch display (not any bigger or smaller).

With these (or better) following specs:-
1.7GHz cpu
2-4gb ram
500gb (or more) HDD
HD display (720p or 900p)
Amazin battery life 8-10hrs
Amd gpu (low performance)

my budget is under $400 (or 500)
i really like HP laptops since they have beats audio and nice design.
But i have a hard tym selecting one!! So confusin. I really wish u guys cud help me if u can.

Thats it!!
Thanks in Advance :) :)
Most batteries in that spec/style of laptop are in the ~5 hour range. The exception is in some of the newer models with detachable sleeves, or slices that can be added for more battery life. Those are all way out of your budget though. I know you said you had a preference for an AMD cpu, but might I suggest something like this to look at as well:

Here is one very close to your spec's as well to look at:

Edit's: sorry linked the wrong one originally.
Most batteries in that spec/style of laptop are in the ~5 hour range. The exception is in some of the newer models with detachable sleeves, or slices that can be added for more battery life. Those are all way out of your budget though. I know you said you had a preference for an AMD cpu, but might I suggest something like this to look at as well:

Here is one very close to your spec's as well to look at:

Edit's: sorry linked the wrong one originally.