so my family and i all live on an extremely tight budget. We recently discovered though that we can't afford the rent of our current house anymore. We found a little flat for cheap, but my mom only gets a TINY workspace. I've built her a pc(Pentium G3258, 250gb SSD, Gigabyte GeForce GT 730 1GB, MSI H81M-P33) and she mainly uses it to browse the web, sometimes watch videos, and basic things like word, powerpoint, email, etc. Since the PC cannot fit in her workspace i want to get her a cheap laptop that can do the same things she could do on her main pc. Any ideas? i was considering a refurbished 150 euro 2010 Macbook White, core2 duo p8600, 8gb ddr3, geforce 320M.(i have exactly the same one, same specs, same amount of ram, but mine was in better shape, the 150 euro one has a lot of scratches on the bottom) Please help me out, thx.