Best Gaming Desktops 2015 (Archive)

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I guess its nice to see these manufacturers are remaining consistent. They have been screwing people since day one and they are still screwing them. Not as bad due to the education level of people that are now smart enough to know that the ludicrous prices they used to charge are now being seen by the masses for what they truly were. It is just to bad that people cannot see how easy it is to build a computer and that they don't need the junk in this show down and can do it for far less than ANY of these boxed that are shown here. In many cases a wise shopper can even one, two and even three up the performance factor if they do some home work and shop around!
I7 and X99 cpu's.....with 750TI' how much did you guys get paid to pick these? Because they're terrible choices for gaming PC's.
can definitely see the direction pc gaming is going by reviews like this where most of the top pc's are using graphics cards 2 to 3 gen old.
This is the best example I could possibly find of a scam. These companies are playing of the computer illiteracy of the masses to jack up the prices. I've built a better computer on a $550 dollar budget. Dead serious. For anyone looking at this list, don't buy these. Any of them. Building your own computer sounds like a daunting task, but it's easy. Don't blow your money on these.
I7 and X99 cpu's.....with 750TI' how much did you guys get paid to pick these? Because they're terrible choices for gaming PC's.
And not an SSD among them? for that money you have to be kidding right?
I'll sell mines for 750$. Has good graphic card ssd and Intel core. Run all your games on highest quality. Contact at 424 239 4657
Where's Falcon Northwest??

I wouldn't call the Alienware Alpha the best for under $600 as its laptop parts really can't compete to a desktop priced around the same. For size, machines like the Tiki have it beat. I will say that the Alpha is perhaps the best for size/price ratio though
Really great endorsement you got there! Is i7 fpr laptops really a good one for gaming? Just thought of buying one than having a PC which wouldn't allow to go to other places and be stuck at your home.

Laptops and hardcore gaming really don't go together well. The CPUs are clocked lower (and less cores most of the time as well) and the top laptop video card isn't even as fast as the high end desktop ones. Plus, if you do go with the top end laptop parts, expect about 45 minutes on battery and heat hot enough to cook your lap. Plus the screen will almost always be smaller than a desktop monitor. At that point, it isn't really that much more work to just build a mini-itx pc and haul the system/monitor that way. Heck, if you're really ambitious, I've seen mods people have built where the monitor is built right into the side of their case.

I had a $2500 gaming laptop once, worst money I spent as it was outdated a year later, then died from heat 6 months after that. And even then, I was never able to max out the graphics on most new games.
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