Best HDTV projector

Well for my money, I've already bought one of these:
Sharp XR-10X
For the price it is awesome. DVDs look perfect. It will accept many different HD signals, but I don't have an HD receiver yet to test that. It is also XGA (1024x768) native resolution and DLP with high lumen output. Plus the warranty from Sharp is pretty good (3 years with 2 years express care.)

Check it out!
Looks pretty good; thanks for the response. However, is 1024 x 768 a good resolution for a projector (I do not know much about projectors)? It seems like it would not be that great sice that is like my 17" monitor's resolution.
You can't really compare them to monitors. The higher the resolution, the sharper the picture will be when you blow the image up to wall-size. XGA should also work well with HD signals allowing you to get very high res TV output. I have to say that non-HD, standard TV doesn't look that great through a projector. I have Dish Network and it looks a little fuzzy, but still very watchable on the big screen. DVDs are nice, its like being in your own theater with the best seat in the house.

XGA is very good for under $1000. Not long ago all you could get in this price range were SVGA (800x600). I doubt you will find a higher res projector in this price range. There are a couple other XGA projectors in this range, but I liked this one the best. So far this Sharp has worked great for me. No complaints at all.

Check the reviews at and the user feedback at to find a good one.