perhaps the reason why you did not like the answers is because you did not provide us with much information. if we have no information about your taste in sound or expectations (which is HUGELY important when doing headphone recommendations) we cannot give you a very good answer. also without knowing if you have an amplifier, soundcard or other equipment means that its hard to recommend something since all of that costs extra as well and cuts into cost if you need it.
you asked about the pc363d, hd600 and hd650 in your other thread and the answers given (at least the one i gave) listed a few characteristics of said headphones which is what you wanted to hear i suppose (though you say almost nothing about what you want). do realize that no headphone can be the best at everything and many have areas in which they excel and areas which they do not. for instance you will not find a pair of headphones which has the deepest of bass responses yet crystal clear bright highs at the same time. we need to know what you want in order to limit the list down to a few for you to research on your own.
i am not here to complain about your posts; it was a reminder of the site rules. since i enforce such rules it was just a reminder to please keep to one thread per question in the future.
i'll just say this once: if you expect a good answer you need to be more specific in your request as to your preferences and needs. you should also answer questions posed by those trying to help you so they can provide a better answer, or at the very least respond. (otherwise nobody will care and people will stop trying to help you)