Best laptop for under £200 for Kali Linux

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Dec 14, 2017
My main rig is setup for gaming but I want a cheap laptop just to learn Linux on, I'd like to start training on Kali eventually learning the inns and outs of network security.
My question is this:
For £200 what would be the best laptop second hand / refurbished or new I could get?
I know for that much it won't be a great laptop but specs wise what would be the best bang for my buck?
I've been looking at some old dell xps models on eBay but I'm not sure if I'm better going that old or if I'll get a better system going for something more modern.
I know Linux doesn't really need a lot to run but I just want the best overall system for my money. I'd probably duel boot it just for the sake of it but I'm not really worried about gaming or running any special windows applications. The thing I'm most unsure of, is would I be best getting an a model with dedicated graphics to help with password hashes or would the power be better placed in the cpu?

Please feel free to mention any models or suggestions with a brief paragraph of why you think your suggestion would be a good idea.

Thank you for taking your time to help.
1. At that price point, you won't find any real performance difference.
Second hand depends on what you find in your local market.

2. Kali is not really meant to be 'installed'. Primarily, it is just a bootable OS containing a bunch of security tools.

3. Kali is really not the Linux distro to learn on. Anything else, and then venture into Kail.
Linux Mint, Ubuntu, PuppyLinux, etc, etc.
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Sorry I guess I should of been a little more clear, when I say learn I mean develop my skills. I've used ubuntu 10.10 and had backtrack and Kali installed on my old laptop before it went bang. I've used the tools before and I'm reasonably familiar with them, it has been about 2 years since I last used Linux though so I'm a little rusty but I do have nethunter on my nexus 5.
At such a low price point would I be better getting a cheap refurbished laptop like a toshiba r840 with a duel core 2.3 i3 over let's say a second hand dell xps m1710? Is the difference negotiable? I've also found a think pad with an i5-2410M and an nvidia 4200? Just wondered if either of those was marginally better than the other in your opinion?
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