At under £300, finding a device with 8GBs is going to be a stretch, and finding one with 16GBs an actual miracle. In fact, in this price range you'll be lucky to get 16GBs of storage.
And did you say "a new processor that is fast"? For coding I'd say at least a dual-core Broadwell i3 CPU. The most prevalent unit in this segment is Intel's slow-poke Celeron N3050. And I'll graciously ignore your request that "it look nice as well".
Joking aside, at £300 it's going to be 4GBs of RAM and a Rockchip CPU/Intel Atom chip. Or this Lenovo:
At £270, it meets the minimum requirements for getting actual work done (2GHz Broadwell i3) and offers tons of storage (I know that's less important to you). Only 4GBs of RAM, but if you can refrain from running several browser tabs in the background while working, it might just be enough.
John Lewis has this £300 ASUS:
This one has 8GBs of RAM but uses a 1.6GHz Pentium N3700 CPU. At least it's not an N3050. Lots of storage...
If you can find an extra £50, consider this MSI from Amazon UK:
With a quad-core i7 (an ageing Haswell, I know), 8GBs of RAM and a 2GB GTX 950M card, most of your demands are more than met. I have been going over the MSI with a fine comb, but it is actually new. As far as I can see, a real bargain.
In the beauty contest, the Lenovo takes the lead, but the MSI isn't too shabby-looking, either.
Best of luck,