Best program for making business cards?


May 13, 2001
Hi all,

I'm looking for some kind of decent program to make buisness cards.

I'm looking to spend up to $50, any suggestions what's the best for $50.

I went looking but there's so many i got dizzy, so i'll leave it up to the member's here to decide which is the best for $50 and under!

Thanks so much : >

PS: I:m using ME


" Soon My Friend , Soon...."
I use WordPerfect for making business cards. You can also use any other WP such as Word. If you buy the perforated paper for making business cards, sometimes software is included. I just laid out the business cards in the WP in a table, 2 columns, I believe 6 rows down. Made one business card and copy and paste into the other blocks. I then made the lines between the columns and rows invisible. Printed it out on 60# stock or card stock, you can go higher if your printer takes it. Use a razor and ruler to cut them or you can use one of those specialized guillotine paper cutters.