Best TV antennas for 2021 - HUH?


Dec 31, 2007
I read the Best antennas for 2021 article (,review-2354.html) and realised it was the same article from several years ago. If one tries to comment on it, you see a message the thread is locked and the most recent comment is from 2018. I think some one goofed.
Oh, as a point of information, you do NOT need a special antenna to receive digital or HD signals. A good old fashioned YAGI will work just fine. The signals are electromagnetic that are received by the metal in the antenna. Instead of being a stream of waves, the antenna is receiving 0s and 1s electronically. The conversion from electromagnetic waves to is done by the television tuner. We have a 25 year old YAGI on a tower and can pick up every VHF and most UHF stations withing 50 of us. And since the FCC mandated digital only, I guess that proves my point.
Tom's Guide does have a tendency to recycle articles from the past with updated information. As the original article was from 2018 and people were still referencing it (and comments made) years later, the Moderation team took it upon itself to lock the thread from further replies.
