Beydynamic Custom One Pro or Audio Technica ATH M50X Headphones?


Aug 14, 2012
Hi everyone, I am looking for some advice as to which of these two headphones would be better for me.

If anyone of you guys have experience with these headphones, which one has better bass?
I mainly like to listen to hip hop, some rap, mainly songs with alot of bass and I would like to hear that clearly and strong.

I know both of these are good headphones but I have read mixed reviews saying that some has less bass and all, so if any of you guys have any experience with these headphones, which would you recommend for me based on the genres of music I listen to?

And also I can get both for pretty much the same price so price isn't a issue here.

Oh and also I plan to just plug them straight to my computer, no amp or anything like that.


Most audiophile headphone's do not have hard thumping bass that will shake you head lol. I'd...
I think you'll like the M50Xs more (I recommend getting the Normal M50, they're cheaper). Also don't think you'll get crazy bass with these type of Headphones I have the ATH-M50s and they sound flat but offer some bass compared to my XB500 that I used to use. Though, the clarity and overall sound quality is just pure amazing! I forgot all about that bass hype and focused more into the highs and mids when I listen 😉

Ah ok thanks, so if both of these don't have awesome bass, which other headphones do you recommend with good bass?

Also just to note, I am upgrading from a pair of Sennheiser HD 202 which cost me like $30 lol.

Most audiophile headphone's do not have hard thumping bass that will shake you head lol. I'd recommend going into an audio shop or a tech store where you can try out the ATH-M50s, everyone's hearing tastes are all different, I might think it is enough but you might think its lacking.
I looked at the M50's when I was looking for headphones in that price range, what I ended up getting was the Beyerdynamic DT770 pro 80. They are pretty bass heavy, very comfortable and well built.