Bios update - no power

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Aug 3, 2007
Hey guys, I have a pretty serious problem that I was hopeing someone could help me with. I have an acer aspire 7720 laptop. I tried to update the bios. When I ran the bios update utillity, my computer locked up. none of the buttons would work, nor the keyboard. Everything was unresponsive, and not like a normal software hang either. So, I waited for a half hour to see what would happen, and nothing happend. I eventually removed the battery to turn off the computer and restart. Only problem is, my computer won't restart. As a matter of fact it doesn't do anything. No lights, no sounds, not even a battery charger light. I went to the acer site and found some instructions to fix my computer, which said to unplug power cord and remove battery then hold power for 20 sec. Plug charger in.....blah blah blah. None of that worked. Any ideas whats wrong and how to fix it, or if this is even something I can even attempt to fix myself? By the way, mycomputer is still under warrenty, as it is only less than 6 months old. I just am trying to avoid sending it to them and haveing to pay for shipping, not to mention haveing to wait 2 months or more to get it back, which is what they told me. Thanks for taking the time to read about my problem.
Did the BIOS utility finish the update, or did it stop while writing? Did the machine lock up before you started?

If it halted while in update, your notebook is bricked and needs to go back to the manufacturer for a new motherboard. There's nothing you can do.

If it was before or after the update...there's a chance resetting the CMOS will solve the problem - however, that involves some major dissassembly, and will void your warranty. Best to send it back, IMO.
Yea, the bios update never even really ran. As soon as I started it, the comp froze instantly. I guess I'll be sending it in. Thanks for your help though.
I had this happen to me. If you haven´t sent if off yet try this. I had to work to get it configured right, but it did work.

1) Get a USB floppy drive !!! VERY IMPORTANT !!! will not work by any other method. (you get them for little money on second hand auction shops and a clean floppy.)

On another pc:
2) Download the your original BIOS version (Definitely don´t use the version that caused the problem.

3) Download

4) unzip this file on c:
5) rename your BIOS file to BIOS.WPH
6) put this file in the crisdisk project folder
7) Use crisdisk tool to create a bootable diskette and a bootable floppy with the files phlash.exe, minidos.sys and (your bios file) bios.wph will be created for you
8)Put this floppy in the floppy drive connected to your Acer.
9) Make sure your laptop has no battery, put in the AC-plug and hold the buttons 'Fn' and 'B'.
10) Push the power button, with the two other buttons still down.
11) If the power led start, release the 'Fn'and 'B' button.
12) If you're lucky, you'll hear lots of beeps.... Your computer will reset itself and start in Windows!! can take 5 to 10 minutes so be patient.

If the booting doesn't succeed, try a different timing on releasing the 'Fn' and 'B' button.

Good luck.
Indeed. . .

Always, always, ALWAYS avail yourself of the warranty. That's what it's there for.

Also, don't forget to either 1) take your HD and memory out before you ship, or 2) at least backup your data, Chances are if you send the notebook intact it will come back to you re-imaged.

Hi Caniba, I am heaving the same problem on a x205 sli5.
I already try this way and don't hear any beep.
I push the Fn+B, and the note enter in a "zumbi" mode with the fans working. The USB floopy spin and then stop.
I ask if this is correct?
I must wait or what?
Thanks for any help!!

I sent the laptop in a week after the OP and they replaced the entire motherboard. It came back with a wierd bow on the speaker grill, but all was well. All in all it took them a month to get it back to me. Not to shabby. Acer is very friendly.
Yes crisdisk is very useful if you know the following facts.

1. Crisdisk is only for Phoenix Bios based computers.
2. You have to get the Computer to the "writing mode", to enable this mode you will need to hold a kombination of keys while you power on. For my Toshiba Notebook I had to use "FN + ESC" but there are others like "FN + F", "FN + B" or the Windows button with these combinations.
2a. On some Notebooks only the right side USB is working.
2b. On some Notebooks you need to remove the Battery and use the Powersuply to enable this mode.
2c. The Key combinations are defined by the manufactor of your Notebook, for some you don't have to use any, others force you to use one.
3. Use a new Crisidisk to do the Flashing, new Versions support the Flashing from USB.
4. If the image is over 1.44 MB then follow step 5
5. If you don't have a USB Floppy drive, make a Floppy image (Emulate a floppy drive), modify the image (size to 2.88MB) and write it under Linux with "dd if=/<path to image><Floppy-image> of=/dev/<id of the USB stick>" to a USB stick (Warnig you will lose all the old data stored on the USB Stick).
6. The Bios File has to be named "BIOS.WPH".
7. During the update your computer will BEEP for some minutes, when the flashing is done, a single long beep gives the singnal the flasing ended and the Notebook will reboot.

So you need: A working Computer, the "BIOS.WPH" for your computer, A EMPTY USB Stick, "Parted Magic Live" on a CD or USB Stick (to use the DD command from the linux terminal), (Crisdisk), The bootable Floppy Image ( ) and some time.

Have fun to turn your bricked Notebook to a working machine.
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