Black Friday Brawls: Plenty Fought, No One Died

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[citation][nom]soldier37[/nom]They were mostly hispanics and prob illegal and prob Obama supporters looking for handouts. Look at the area reported, its where they congregate. Their first stop into the country are those Walmarts. Agghh the good ole USA. So glad I shop at Target in a area where people act normal.[/citation]

No, most likely they were redneck trash such as yourself. And what a surprise it happened at Wal-Mart every Nascar fan's home away from... their trailer (which is in the parking lot).
man, no offense but this and make me ashamed of having to go there occasionally to buy groceries. and soldier37 seriously man keep the political bullshit out of toms, and how can you expect hispanics not to congregate in california? is like asking people in taiwan to not be of chinese descendance. a little history lesson perhaps?
Seriously...what's with all the finger pointing? We're talking about isolated incidents here, not nationwide anarchy. People need to get off their nationalist high horses and stop making broad generalizations about people of different countries. Lack of self-control isn't an American problem, it's a human problem.
I think black friday is waaaay overrated....yes there are deals but nothing to go and start fights and trample people over for.....what people will do for material things...sigh
Next headline on Toms:

"Story about Black Friday mishaps turns tragic as ignorant racists can't get out of their own way in defense of THEIR half of America"

megaLULZ! You guys never cease to amaze.
Only in the USA, here in blighty we are far more civilised and Q quietly.

Once purchase made, we look for nearest dark alley and again wait with dignity for a polite mugger to relieve us of our property.

We then call police and again Q patiently while our call is logged and filed away, so that the police can get back to their afternoon nap.
I would never wait for 6 hours to buy something. It wouldn't be cost effective. My time is worth money. If I'm worth, say $50 per hour, then that 6 hours of waiting had better save me more than $300 on whatever product I'm buying.
[citation][nom]frozenlead[/nom]I'm pretty sure this would happen in every country, given the opportunity.[/citation]

You should see what happens when the UN gives away rice in poor countries.

Oh wait, those people have legitimate needs (i.e. hunger).
[citation][nom]thejerk[/nom]i like this type of disorder. remember, kids... the herd thins itself.[/citation]
Back in the day that was the case.. There are so many laws on the books to save people from themselves today that its not thinning the herd fast enough anymore.. Like Idioacrasy come to life.
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