Here at the Tom's Community, we love tech. We also love bargains. And Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the best days of the year to score the best tech at rock-bottom prices!
We know that our readers are some of the most savvy around, and that you'll know about some of the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals before anyone else. We also believe that everyone should get a chance to score great tech bargains (the Holidays are expensive, after all!). This thread is a place for everyone to share the best deals they find and save their fellow Tom's Community members lots and lots of money.
Instead of all of us searching the entirety of the web to save some sweet, sweet Hamiltons, Jacksons and Benjamins, this thread is a centralized place to share the deals that you find.
You'll find a thread like this in most of the major sections of the forums on Tom's Hardware and Tom's Guide, so there will be a place for every deal!
Please follow these guidelines when posting:
In each post...
• Include a link (and coupon code, if you need one)
• Tell us what item the deal is for
• Tell us the price of the deal. How good of a deal is it?
• Is it online, in store, or both?
What's a deal?
• A deep discount on a product. 10-50%, or even more!
• An unexpected, substantial bargain. When something is on sale for less than you'd imagine
• When you get something of value in addition to the actual purchase
When deals get old, moderators or curators will be able to strikeout expired deals. If you see an outdated deal, let us know.
Most importantly, if you see a deal, share it! If we all share the best deals, we're going to save a lot of money on gifts for others... and ourselves, too!
In this thread, please post the best deals you can find on laptops.
We know that our readers are some of the most savvy around, and that you'll know about some of the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals before anyone else. We also believe that everyone should get a chance to score great tech bargains (the Holidays are expensive, after all!). This thread is a place for everyone to share the best deals they find and save their fellow Tom's Community members lots and lots of money.
Instead of all of us searching the entirety of the web to save some sweet, sweet Hamiltons, Jacksons and Benjamins, this thread is a centralized place to share the deals that you find.
You'll find a thread like this in most of the major sections of the forums on Tom's Hardware and Tom's Guide, so there will be a place for every deal!
Please follow these guidelines when posting:
In each post...
• Include a link (and coupon code, if you need one)
• Tell us what item the deal is for
• Tell us the price of the deal. How good of a deal is it?
• Is it online, in store, or both?
What's a deal?
• A deep discount on a product. 10-50%, or even more!
• An unexpected, substantial bargain. When something is on sale for less than you'd imagine
• When you get something of value in addition to the actual purchase
When deals get old, moderators or curators will be able to strikeout expired deals. If you see an outdated deal, let us know.
Most importantly, if you see a deal, share it! If we all share the best deals, we're going to save a lot of money on gifts for others... and ourselves, too!
In this thread, please post the best deals you can find on laptops.