Solved! Black screen of death???

Oct 22, 2017
I dropped my phone and over the course of a few hours the screen eventually turned fully black. Everything still works, I can unlock my phone (i remember where the pin numbers are) I still get notifications and everything, I just can't see anything. Does anyone know how to fix it? I heard its something like the LED ribbon came unattatched??? I know nothing about phones so please explain it like I'm stupid ty in advance.
If it helps it's a Samsung Galaxy Note 3
It is possible that the connection to the display became disconnected. However, going by your description of it gradually going fully black, I would lean more toward it needing a new display.

How do I reconnect it? I'll try that and see if it works 🙂
As I said, I can't say if it is loose or going bad, for certain, although leaning towards just going bad.

If the device is still under warranty, then you need to contact the manufacturer to have them fix it. If it isn't under warranty any longer, then it would require you open up the device and check the connection. I am sure, if you look online, you can find info on how to open that device up. However, it will be a tad complex so if you don't feel comfortable doing it, then I would contact a local tech.