A while ago I shorted my laptop out via an arduino tinkering session. It's an acer e5-511, the 2.16ghz model.
So I replaced the motherboard yesterday, and noticed the ram had some corrosion so a new stick is in the mail.
Upon boot attempt, just a blank screen. No backlight or anything. Leds light, fan spins, I can hear the hdd spin up. What's odd to me is there is no beep from the mobo to give status.
I have confirmed the screen is well seated. Upon inspection I noticed that I have a different power adapter (the right one is in the mail) than what's required, it's a 40w where the Acer required a 65w. To me that should make no difference once the battery is charged since the battery would then be providing the power. I also attempted an external monitor via vga, known good, to no avail.
The cmos is soldered, I made multiple 30 second attempts at shorting it,that doesn't seem to be the issue.
So the curiosity is would no/bad ram cause the screen to not be activated? Also why no beeps? Any and all suggestions and information appreciated.
So I replaced the motherboard yesterday, and noticed the ram had some corrosion so a new stick is in the mail.
Upon boot attempt, just a blank screen. No backlight or anything. Leds light, fan spins, I can hear the hdd spin up. What's odd to me is there is no beep from the mobo to give status.
I have confirmed the screen is well seated. Upon inspection I noticed that I have a different power adapter (the right one is in the mail) than what's required, it's a 40w where the Acer required a 65w. To me that should make no difference once the battery is charged since the battery would then be providing the power. I also attempted an external monitor via vga, known good, to no avail.
The cmos is soldered, I made multiple 30 second attempts at shorting it,that doesn't seem to be the issue.
So the curiosity is would no/bad ram cause the screen to not be activated? Also why no beeps? Any and all suggestions and information appreciated.