Solved! Blinking power and opc lights two times

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Jun 27, 2021
I have a sharp Aquos 64inch tv power cyles the screen does come on for about 3 seconds then it turns off both the green power led and the green opc led are on it blinks twice tougther then repeats itself no other flashes I have tried repeadly holding the volumn down and power as well as channel up volumn down to rest the device ?? Doesn't seem to have any change or affect it in any way ? I think I need a main board but idk for sure ? I been reading forums have learned alot about this tv but nothing I have found seems to work or change it ???? Anyone else have this same problem ?? How or what do I check I haven't ever worked on tvs or circuit boards but I am more than willing to give it a shot can't be much worse than working in a dealership in the automott industry since 1995 currently not working ?¿ Would like to repair this tv
Yes it's a chance it's the main board, maybe the power board. Not much you can do here without starting to replace parts. Just to warn you, in quite a few cases swapping out the boards did not fix a power on issue.
Yes it's a chance it's the main board, maybe the power board. Not much you can do here without starting to replace parts. Just to warn you, in quite a few cases swapping out the boards did not fix a power on issue.
What's your advice on this issues its a nice tv I want to keep it and fix it

How much you think these parts will cost or is it worth it to buy new parts or see if I can find used parts or maybe even repair board myself
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What's your advice on this issues its a nice tv I want to keep it and fix it

How much you think these parts will cost or is it worth it to buy new parts or see if I can find used parts or maybe even repair board myself

No idea what parts for the TV would be, do a web search and see. For repairing the board, open the TV and look it over, any obvious things like puffy or popped capacitors would be obvious, scorch marks also.
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