Bose 901 equalizer

i would look for one on ebay or if you have any pawn shops you could check periodically . now the eq's are split like so series 1 and 2, series 3and 4, sereis 5 and 6 , i had a pair of the series 1 and learned how the series were broken down so if you have series 4 speakers you may look for a series 3 eq as well as a series 4 eq . the difference in the series mostly were the drivers and secondly the cabinets changed . i picked up a pair of series 1 for about $200 from ebay and i bought the series 1 because of the clothe surrounds on their drivers any how i figured i could find the eq later and i could have for about as much as i payed for the speakers. will a typical stereo eq work , yes for the most part but i found that some things were difficult to get sounding good or correct it was a hassle.
there is some mystery a bout the 901 eq's some people think they might be dynamic meaning they change with the program material. i wouldn't know because i never got 1 . i figured if i were to have some 901's i would get some series 5or6 and get a giant as i am told 100 watts just barely gets them playing.
the post where the fella said he rewires them in a parallel that wouldn't work that well because these driver are like 1 ohm each so paralell 2 and you have a .5 ohm load and there are 9 drivers in each so you would end up with super low ohm load and most of your high end amps will do 4 ohm maybe 2ohm but what you would have if you paralell all 9 drivers in one case would be ridiculous :pt1cable:
if you want to get the most out the 901 get the correct eq the people at bose put a lot into it . and the audio response curve of these drivers can be aggravating if you are trying to equalize on your own
Bose uses the cheapest and junky parts in their speakers and equalizers I know I use to sell Bose products years ago. Their 901 speakers used one dollar drivers in these models .Complete crap.

i am not surprised that someone come out and say this sort of thing about bose . bose is a unique company with a product that was innovative and cutting edge at one time. they figured out a couple things , like the nature of direct and reflected sound like at concert or a hall , they figured out that small drivers respond quicker and more accurately . now let's not get it twisted i don't love bose ,they are just ok and have 1or2 descent products. the design that were once innovative are old and bose has been skating by on 30-40 year old designs .i have had many pair of bose speakers over the years and none have stayed , 4001 , 201sereis iv, 301 series i ,6.2 , 501series v, 901 series i, 101, accoustimass am5. i have been in most of the things i have owned for one reason or another and more or less you see similar parts inside bose' products as you would other makes . their crossovers have inductors , resistors , capacitor , printed board , where i think they skimp is the cabinets .as for there one dollar drivers ,anything mass produced has a cheaper price tag .for the price tag bose carry they should be in a higher quality cabinet.
i will say a couple of other things about bose' products the direct / reflecting design has it's problems if you have ever heard someone complain about muddy or distorted sound standing waves from reflected sound are the culprit . reflected sound can produce distortion and cancel out some sounds as well . is bose high end ? no. high end of low end maybe . over priced, yes .

lastly , take a look at how many other companies are abandoning the big loud speaker to give multiple smaller drivers ,maybe bose was onto something .i personally prefer a larger speaker that will produce bass that i can feel and that will move things which why out of all the models of bose i have owned i didn't like them enough to keep them.
I was the first one in the NYC area to own the original Bose 901 speakers.At first they sounded fantastic but after a year they seemed to give you a headache. I owned the 501 speaker which was better than the 901.There quality control went downhill a long time ago. They are just mediocre now.
out of the numerous models of bose speakers i have owned the 4001's were the only ones i owned since new and i didn't care for them at first but after about a year or so i thought they sounded better . so they either burnt my ears or had been broken in.
Never heard of them.

I have a pair of bose 901 serie V1, and I like them, and still have bose active equalizer, the only things peoples like today bass bass bass.... remember speakers it is the only part of audio system all the people can't like it the sound because the sound not the same for all of us
please don't take attention for my english
i thought my series 1 901's sounded ok despite not having the eq , the reason i didn't keep them is that i couldn't feel the parts of the music that can and should felt . you should be able to feel the kick of a bass drum , and at higher volumes low bass should have a bit of a emphasis . it seems to me that a lot of the bose speakers i have experienced are mostly dominant in the mid range which is why myself and probably a lot of people would prefer a pair floor speakers with a large woofer and a 3 way design to bose' overly elaborate designs . but i will say that the 901 sereis 1's were somewhat incredible for what they were , but as neat as they sounded , the bass wasn't right and that was a deal breaker for me .
80% of your music is midrange 10% bass and the rest treble.You are right bass is not everything in music.
i am not so sure that i would agree with that statement , due to how one genre of music to the next may vary . rap, a lot of bass , singing and vocals , not very much bass , grunge and metal , more low bass , electronic music you bet there is some massive bass . interesting fact is that bass notes are comprised of low frequency as well as high frequency( meaning they contain treble and bass). also there is more electrical current required from an amplifier to produce bass than mid range or high frequency .
no bass is not every thing but it is more important than some people may admit , and yes many people will overdue bass to the point of making you wish there was none ,that being said , think of it like a recipe , too much or not enough of any part not good . but as for the realism of a live band or concert , bass needs to be strong but realistic , nobody goes to a concert and doesn't feel the music

another thing, the sound quality depend of the others accessory we use , exemple amp. turntable, cables, my Bose are driving with a Yamaha natural sound AX 930 amp. 130 MINIMUM WATTS POWER , it is a 1990 amp, I got a 1977 40 watts yamaha CA 610, and still working like a new one,

I'm happy to discus with all you my english is not 100% if I can explane in french be sure that the discussion could be more clear but I happy I'm 70 years hold man retire and music it is my life I have a 1952 WFL LUDWIG DRUM SET , so tank