This is getting a little ridiculous, and by that I am going light saying it. The American people need to wake up and see/hear/speak on what happens. As soon as the Patriot Act first came about I just do not understand how not a lot of people made a fuss about it, in my opinion this is what started the snowball effect. We really need to stand up, abolish the Patriot Act and all of these additional "national security" interests that don't seem to necessarily seem in the best interest of people. When is it OK to spy on our own people? I for one really want to make a change, for if this continues I really do see the US going towards a police state. Sad, sad, sad that most people do not care about things such as this since "I don't do anything wrong" attitude. It's not whether you do something or not, it's standing up for what's right vs. wrong.