broken unit


Dec 31, 2007
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Hi all- So I have a unit that seems to have a failed hard drive as it
just "whines" as it boots up. That said, I've already purchased a new
unit and I am wondering if I can get the older broken unit fixed or fix
it myself. Any ideas or direction that you folks can provide?

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Buy a new harddrive, either maxtor, seagate, western digital.
7200 rpm is ok. 160gig is quite resonable after rebate these days.
Download replay drive image off internet and burn to new drive.
Swap drive out and you should be gold.

>Hi all- So I have a unit that seems to have a failed hard drive as it
>just "whines" as it boots up. That said, I've already purchased a new
>unit and I am wondering if I can get the older broken unit fixed or fix
>it myself. Any ideas or direction that you folks can provide?
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what unit do you have? buying a 160GB might be useless on an older model
The max (single drive) for the older 2000 models are 120Mb I believe. Not
sure about other models.

"dan" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for the info! Can I ask what site you would recommend for
> getting the software?
> Thanks again,
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On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 17:28:19 -0500, "Little Brittle & the C Bag"
<> wrote:

>what unit do you have? buying a 160GB might be useless on an older model
>The max (single drive) for the older 2000 models are 120Mb I believe. Not
>sure about other models.

The limit is actually 128GB (sometimes called 137GB using different
math). This limit is caused by the hardware, which is limited to 28
bits for sector selection.

I'm not too sure about the newer models. Probably 48 bits (128
exabytes {128 mega-gigabytes}, larger than any drive you'll be able to
buy for years).

A 160GB drive in an older Replay will act like 128GB. The remaining
32GB will be inaccessible. Something like an extra 32 houses in a part
of town no one can get to. Effectively, they don't exist.

A Replay will accept 2 drives, although there is a limitation on total
capacity. I had a 160GB (2 drive) 2020.

>"dan" <> wrote in message
>> Thanks for the info! Can I ask what site you would recommend for
>> getting the software?
>> Thanks again,

7 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"It is a curious thing that every creed promises a
paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for
anyone of civilized taste." -- Evelyn Waugh
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Dan, I just did this about 8 days ago myself!! My 5040 with lifetime
subscription, yikes!, died about 2 months outside of the warranty, so I
definitely didn't just want to junk it. I downloaded the hard drive image
file off of the internet, bought a Maxtor 250GB 7200rpm hard drive, used the
RTVPatch program to image the new hard drive with the downloaded image, and
it has been working GREAT since I did it.

Here are the links that I found useful:

Here are my 2 previous posts if you care to read them (they are in the
"ReplayTV loophole to switch activation to another machine?" thread of this
forum that was started back on 12/11/04.


question from previous poster:
> 2) About how much money would the replay 5040 upgrade cost me in terms of
> drive/parts, etc. I am currently with a 40MB unit (i think-- i get about
> 12
> hrs on high quality mode)

The only cost to you is the price of a new hard drive and your time. I
happened to stumble upon what I thought was a great deal at Staples where I
got a 7200rpm 250GB Maxtor hard drive for $129.98!! Of course, the deal
ended 12/11/04 🙁 . But you can still get great deals on hdd's, just surf
around a little bit. Now, a caveat about the rpm's. I've seen all over
these forums, websites, etc., that it is best to stay with a 5400rpm drive
(which is the speed of the drives that are original equipment with Replays)
due mainly to the increased heat generated by the 7200rpm drives. I only
just completed my upgrade on 12/09, and everything is working beautifully,
but I have no idea if I'm going to experience problems down the road.
Hopefully not!!

> 3) Is the upgrade easy for a novice to do?

I am the textbook definition of novice, so yes, it is extremely easy to do,
just follow the directions that you will have compiled from surfing around
and getting your ducks in a row, and you should be fine. Here are 2 more
links that I found just this morning: and .

Kudos to those individuals for taking the time to compile such clear and
concise sites and also many thanks to the kind souls who truly know what
they are doing that wrote the RTVPatch program!!!!

And don't forget about looking into DVArchive for your computer, another
AWESOME creation, this from Gerry Duprey at .
This man is apparently a ReplayTV GOD, that's all I can say!!!! The program
is awesome and with just a home network, you can theoretically have
unlimited storage for all of your shows without ever having to open your
Replay!! Just keep adding hard drives to your computer, which is much
easier and less nerve-racking than opening up the Replay, imho.

And, while I'm rambling, check out this CHEAP (again, only just got it,
don't know long term quality) router, the D-Link DI-604, at
$26.99 after mail-in rebate!! wow!! The best thing about this router is
that it allows for static DHCP (sounds like an oxymoron, no? lol ), which
had been another problem for me and is now corrected, I think, thanks to the
static DHCP. The problem being that the Replay has a bug in it that the
underlying OS will try and grab an IP address, but so does the Replay
software, which can cause confusion and foul things up, especially it seems
with multiple Replays and DVArchive on your network. You can configure the
D-Link router to assign the same IP address to a specific MAC address
everytime that MAC address comes looking for an IP address, thus problem
solved. This should probably be listed under a different subject posting, I
apologize for digressing.

Good luck with your upgrade!!,


"Verizon User" <> wrote in message
> WOw thanks for theinput.
> But two questions:
> 1) why is the 5040 so much better than the 5540? Is it just the
> commercial
> advance thing?
> 2) About how much money would the replay 5040 upgrade cost me in terms of
> drive/parts, etc. I am currently with a 40MB unit (i think-- i get about
> 12
> hrs on high quality mode)
> 3) Is the upgrade easy for a novice to do?
> Thanks!!!
> "Matthew" <> wrote in message
>> > Verizon User wrote:
>> >
>> >> Evidently there is a new discounted multi-Replay deal. Now, I have a
>> >> 5040
>> >> that is really acting up... doing a lot of stuttering and going into
>> >> loops
>> >> that require me to hard reboot to stop, and even then it sometimes
>> >> doesn't
>> >> break the loop.
>> >>
>> >> I currently have a lifetime subscription. Under the ruloes, is this
>> >> legal?
>> >>
>> >> 1) Buy a second ReplayTV and get the discounted 6.95/mo subscription.
>> >> 2) After one month, reduce my active units back to one (but make only
>> >> the
>> >> new one active)
>> >> 3) According to the rules can I go back to my original rate (of
> $0/month
>> >> due to lifetime subscription) but do it on the new machine?
>> >>
>> "Tony D" <> wrote in message
>> > Your Replay has a bad drive, upgrade it to a 200 for cheap and send the
>> > old drive back to Maxtor for warranty replacement.
>> >
>> > You could call Replay and transfer the activation to new 5540, but you
>> > would have to be crazy to do that. 5040s are worth a fortune. With a
>> > bad
>> > drive you could get more than you paid for it.
>> >
>> > To get the discount, you have to register your Replays to your account.
>> > You can log in and see the status. It shows serial number, last
>> > connect,
>> > activation term. The activation is by serial number, you can't just
>> > "add
>> > one, delete one" and have lifetime on the other one.
>> Tony is right on the money. I JUST had to deal with this, as in just 4
> days
>> ago!! My 5040 was having the same symptoms, hdd failure.
>> I called Replay and the customer service rep. informed me that it is
>> possible to transfer a lifetime activation subscription to a different
>> Replay machine. She even said that it is free to do so. I haven't seen
> any
>> of that in writing, but then again I didn't look, so I'm taking her word
> for
>> it.
>> Like Tony said, the activation is by serial number, and the serial number
> of
>> the each Replay is hardwired onto it's motherboard, NOT on the hdd.
>> I upgraded my 5040 to a 250GB instead of transferring the lifetime subs.
> to
>> one of our other 2 5504's, and boy, is it nice!!! Now, I imagine that
>> you
>> have surfed around and seen the info. about RTVPatch. It works.
>> However,
> I
>> even had to go one step further, so to speak, because my drive had
>> already
>> died by the time I had figured it out / done something about it, and I
> could
>> NOT image it!! I was sick, let me tell you. So, I surfed the net and lo
>> and behold, didn't some kind soul have a 5040 image posted. Yay!!!!
>> Here are links to everything (hopefully, i'm VERY tired at the moment)
>> you
>> will need:
>> if your drive has already died, you can use
>> an
>> image from here, it works
>> poke
> around
>> here, you will find some good ideas
>> Good luck!!
>> Matthew
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dan wrote:
> Hi all- So I have a unit that seems to have a failed hard drive as it
> just "whines" as it boots up. That said, I've already purchased a new
> unit and I am wondering if I can get the older broken unit fixed or fix
> it myself. Any ideas or direction that you folks can provide?
> Thanks,

You have 3 options with that older unit depending on the model number

1: Have it fixed (Very possible, might be expensive)

2: Fix it yourself, (lower cost, better results)

3: Sell it to me (Model number dependent)
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dan wrote:
> 5040
Remember the 3: Sell it to me... That is the model I'm looking for 🙂

My best suggestion is to fix it yourself, the Replay Faqs tell you in
great detail how to do it, and where to download the free software you
need to set up the new hard drive on your windows machine and everythign
you need to know.