Brother buying Laptop.Need help .Please


Aug 24, 2009
his budget is £700 , but he wants the cheapest possiable , and the best possiable.It has to be able to play napoleon total war on medium high graphics .At least 250GB hardware.At least 4GB RAM ( prefeably be able to expand to 8GB for the future).15" screen at least , and 16 " max (HD screen would be good , but not the end of the world ) The processor has to be a reasonably good one , (i dont know anything about the new i3 processors and the other i ones , so if it has one please compare if poss to an intel dual core ).I want a realiable brand (like toshiba )Also available to the UK , sold here .Basically it has to be able to play modern games , medium high.Please dont tell me that i cant get a laptop for that price that can play games on even medium settings and imediately dismiss it .I was told the same a few months ago , with a budget of £450 , for a laptop that can play medievil total war on medium.'No it will barely manage it on low ' someone told me.With my laptop , that i payed £450 with , it can play the game with every setting maxed out.Also i know i can get a better desktop , than a laptop.My bro needs the portabilty .End of. Thank you .

A toshiba that i found . Good enough ? How good is the processor ?
nah , its a nice laptop.And i see why u picked it . But i have an acer now , and i dont recomend.Espeacialy their customer services .Cheers mate , but acer is not for me , or for my bro.
I only picked it because it's less than your price limit and it's got decent specs. I actually have a mac. I was looking for Asus for you but they're expensive in the UK. My son has an X83VP-A1 and it's actually pretty decent and relatively cheap here in the US
kk thanks :) + the processor , is it dual core ? is it a good one ? is it better than my current 1 : AMD Turion 64 X2 mobile processor ? cheers

It is a dual core chip with hyperthreading, which means that it will act like a Quad Core. Yes, it's a good one. It's faster clock for clock than the Core2Duos its replacing. And yes, it should be much better than the old Turion X2.

Find both of them here and compare: