Question Buzz Based on Angle of Microphone-Why?

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May 23, 2022
I've started to get a buzz from my EV-RE20. Granted, it's not in the best location...on a mount near my edit bay. In the past, I haven't had an issue with EMI/RF noise. Lately, the buzz has been constant. I've tried moving the mic to different locations and plugging the mixer into different outlets. The only thing that reduces the buzz is when I point the microphone up or down 90 degrees. Once I start angling it down, the buzz returns. Any ideas of how I can be a buzz kill(er)?

It's difficult to know. I think the only way is to really try to isolate the problem. Turning it 90 degrees like you said is a start. Try switching things on and off in the room and see if there is any difference. I assume you have tried a different cable? Also it could be a loose internal wire, and the effect of moving it 90 degrees could make the contact slightly better which is why the sound is improving a bit.,
It's difficult to know. I think the only way is to really try to isolate the problem. Turning it 90 degrees like you said is a start. Try switching things on and off in the room and see if there is any difference. I assume you have tried a different cable? Also it could be a loose internal wire, and the effect of moving it 90 degrees could make the contact slightly better which is why the sound is improving a bit.,
All good suggestions. I've tried another mic, too. Same issue. When I sweep the room with the mic pointed forward, not up, only certain areas produce a buzz. This leads me to believe it's EMF or RF interference. Don't know if adding a ferrite bead to the cable would help?
Yes must be some sort of interference then if you have tried a different mic with same results. It must be coming from something. Sometimes you can notice a difference in "tone" in the noise when you turn on and off electrical equipment in the room. Might give you a clue. The bead might be worth a shot
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