by mistake i insert my usb stick opposite in my pc and now its stop working

Technically, that's not true. The "USB" part of a USB connector is just the plastic in the middle with the 4 metal contacts. The exterior metal frame is just a frame to make sure you insert it the right way. It doesn't even carry ground.


If the plastic in the middle comes loose from the frame, it is possible for the plastic to bend enough to insert the USB plug upside down. Usually this doesn't damage the USB connector. You just need to bend the plastic back so the 4 metal contacts on it are exposed again, and it should work again. You can glue the plastic back to the frame after you've confirmed it works.

In rare cases, depending on how the USB stick is designed and how far into the USB slot you inserted it, it's possible to break off the metal contacts from the device far inside the USB connector. This is more difficult to fix - not worth it unless you have data on the flash drive which you must recover. But in theory you should be able to fix it (long enough to retrieve your data) with a little solder, or an extra USB cable cut in half and the correct wires soldered directly to the flash drive.