C# coding error- Learning


Aug 30, 2017
I have highlighted the error. I can't see the issue with it. Please help! :)


using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace FirstConsoleProject
class Program
static void Main(string[] args) //this is a method called Main. It is called when the program starts.

Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the quiz! This test has a series of questions to be answered.");
Console.WriteLine("\rGet any wrong, you have to start again.");
Console.WriteLine("\rPress enter to begin!");

//Question 1
Console.WriteLine("What is 10 divided by 2?"); //This is text that can be seen.
Console.ReadKey(); //This lets the player type into the console.

int answer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (answer == 5) //Checks if the answer is correct
Console.WriteLine("You have answered 5, This is correct");

else if (answer != 5) // if it is not correct it will output this message
Console.WriteLine("You have answered " + answer + ", this is incorrect. Try again!");

goto Start; //This will send the player back to the start.



using System;
namespace FirstConsoleProject


class MainClass


public static void Main(string[] args) // this is a method called "Main". It is called when the program starts.


int num01 = 16;

int num02 = 4;
Console.WriteLine("What is " + num01 + " times " + num02 + "?");
int answer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (answer == num01 * num02)

Console.WriteLine("Well done! Your answer is correct.");


Console.WriteLine("Are you even trying?");




1. One of the ways to process console input where numbers-only are expected is to enclose string-to-number conversion in "try / catch " block.
2. Using "goto" for simple loop is not the proper way to write software in 2018.
3. The prompt to the user suggests that if it provides "correct" answer, he/she won't have to start over, which is not the case.