cable feeding tv is coax (can't be changed) new TV HDMI input. Is there a box/converter that takes the coax in and has an HDMI

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Jan 4, 2016
cable feeding tv is coax (can't be changed) new TV is HDMI input. Is there a box/converter that takes the coax in and has an HDMI output port ?
IF you would have put in the actual model of your tv, the odds might be better that someone has an answer for you. But "samsung 32 led tv" doesn't really help much. Note: most tv's even new, have a coax input for over the air reception and general atsc signal (both analog and digital)... that's where you would plug in the coax.

The coax is already coming out of the Dish network dual DVR. It's a direct run from the DVR out thru the wall up the outside wall back thru the wall into the upstairs room then another 40' of said coax to the old tv no other box required. The new TV is a Samsung 32" led tv not a monitor. So I take it there isn't a simple adapter for the coax to end up being an HDMI connector ?
IF you would have put in the actual model of your tv, the odds might be better that someone has an answer for you. But "samsung 32 led tv" doesn't really help much. Note: most tv's even new, have a coax input for over the air reception and general atsc signal (both analog and digital)... that's where you would plug in the coax.
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