Solved! Cables from lap top to tv

You posted the same question twice?

You can look in the manual for your machine and it will explain what ports it has. You can study the back and sides to see what ports are recognizable, but sometimes they are hard to recognize.

There are lots of possibilities. My first laptop had some video options that used composite video, and came with a special cable that could connect it to standard RCA plug TV cables. It also had a VGA out port.

My second laptop had only a VGA out port.

My current laptop has a VGA out port and an HDMI port. I've tried it with the VGA port to basically run the TV as a monitor, I haven't had an opportunity to try the HDMI yet.

Older TV's had inputs like RCA composite video and S-video. Newer TV's usually can accept VGA and HDMI. Of all of these the HDMI is the only one that carries video and sound. With the others you would have to have another cable to plug into the headphone jack to carry the sound to the TV.

Newegg has a big selection of cables. Also has lots of cables.