Question Can I upgrade my old custom laptop?

May 23, 2019
Hi Everyone,

Big noob here.
I bought this old tank in 2013,
I do mainly 3D modeling/ rendering on it with quite demanding softwares such as Solidworks.
Also some Adobe suite but nothing crazy.
It is still performing decently considering the beating I gave it.
I could do a total reinstallation if I was not that lazy and short on time. Am obviously considering doing this if I upgrade.
Issues so far are:
  • stuttering... if watching a movie or listening to some music while many windows are open on a browser for ex. it starts regularly glitching and lagging. crr crrr crrrrr
  • the screen could really be changed. yellowing on the edges, hard to keep a good colorimetry despite regular calibration. that s a problem for my work.
  • i need to replace the keybord. got 2 keys that won't work if you don't press them 5 times...
  • heating up / fan overuse... obviously I would need to repaste the thermals...

is it worth it?
I'm a bit broke and that beast was expensive when i bought it.

thanks in advance for your help

Since you already have a solid state drive in it, does not sound like there are any real issues with it that a clean Windows setup should not clear up.
For the screen and keyboard you would need to find out the cost to replace those. To get a system with the same speeds would cost about $300, 350 due to the amount of RAM and several drives that are in this one. A new workstation with space for multiple drives would cost over $1,000.
Since you already have a solid state drive in it, does not sound like there are any real issues with it that a clean Windows setup should not clear up.
For the screen and keyboard you would need to find out the cost to replace those. To get a system with the same speeds would cost about $300, 350 due to the amount of RAM and several drives that are in this one. A new workstation with space for multiple drives would cost over $1,000.

Thanks 9

appreciate the answer.

Is there a way I could improve this laptop if I see that changing keyboard and screen is worth it? Add some RAM or something?
Are you saying that the equivalent of this laptop costs today between 300 and 350 dollars?
Wow... I bought this one for around 4400 dollars back in the day 😵
Thanks 9

appreciate the answer.

Is there a way I could improve this laptop if I see that changing keyboard and screen is worth it? Add some RAM or something?
Are you saying that the equivalent of this laptop costs today between 300 and 350 dollars?
Wow... I bought this one for around 4400 dollars back in the day 😵

For a new system with the same speeds, will be more than 350, but a used one of your model is about that. So it's silly to spend money fixing yours with parts when it's better to get a fully working one in the first place. You can get a faster system for about $800. But it won't have all the drive options and build quality will probably be a bit less.

A workstation setup like yours now will be about $1,200 and up depending on the CPU and other options you add to it.

You have 32GB of RAM, adding more won't make the computer any faster.