atrueidiot :
What leads you to suspect one or more of those devices have a virus or other malware?
This is HIGHLY unlikely.
The "ONT" is actually two parts.
The part outside. The fiber line comes into this box. That signal is then converted into coax and/or ethernet.
Then there is the box inside. This also holds the battery backup, and the power connection.
My "story" is above. It was a bunch of things actually. Multiple devices slowing down and then a blocked internet connection the iPAD. ...along with events that could have allowed a hacker or malware into my network (basically a porn site visit and not changing my router's default password).
OK, yes.
You had a similar thread here.
Again, it is HIGHLY unlikely that the router firmware has been compromised.
Router settings? Quite possibly.
1. Return the router to factory spec....reset it from the little button on the back.
2. All your devices is a different issue.
Take them ALL offline, and clean however necessary. Remove any malware, wipe and reinstall if necessary.
Do not allow anything to connect to the LAN until it is known clean.
But if you DO want to change routers, I
highly suggest the Quantum Gateway G1100 from Verizon.
I have one, and it made a major difference in WiFi abilities.