Can my Laptop run GTA V


Feb 14, 2015
Now that we know the specifications for GTA V i was wondering how my laptop would handle GTA V. My current specs are: GTX 765m 2gbs video memory, i7 4700hq quadcore 2.4ghz (turbo boost up to 3.4ghz), 12 gbs of ram. I saw on the requirements that you need 2gbs of video memory for the recommended specs which i have but it's telling me my card is only meeting the minimum or inbetween requirements. So i am a little confused. I would really appreciate the help. My question is what settings could I play GTA V on with playable framerate. Thanks.
hello there the reason it is probably telling you that is because you have an older model video card probably a keplar line or even older and when gta v came out it was primarily designed for newer cards now it may run on your machine it just wont run very well on settings higher than medium so you could probably play gta v on medium to low settings and have good frame rates only way to know is to try it out see which one works best hope this helps