HP OMEN 15-ax009na 15.6-inch FHD Laptop (Black) - (Intel Core i5-6300HQ, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M Graphics 2GB Dedicated, Windows 10) https/www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01MTFS1TS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_kXTOzb1XWXH3C
Will this HP Omen run csgo at 100+ fps? Medium to high settings.
Also if you know any other laptops around this price range or cheaper that can run CS at the same speeds I wouldnt pass up the oppurtunity to save some money. Laptop will be used for light CSGO but maily school work using microsoft office and then random binge watching netflix.
Will this HP Omen run csgo at 100+ fps? Medium to high settings.
Also if you know any other laptops around this price range or cheaper that can run CS at the same speeds I wouldnt pass up the oppurtunity to save some money. Laptop will be used for light CSGO but maily school work using microsoft office and then random binge watching netflix.