Can You Play Sims3 on an Acer E5 Aspire 575?


Dec 26, 2017
I need to know how to download Sims3 from disc onto an Acer E5 Aspire 575. I followed all instructions in the game casing and on multiple websites, but the ShieldWizard would never fully download the game? Is it because my computer is incompatible? Or did I just happen to buy a faulty disc?
That laptop should play it fine on lower settings. It seems you may have a faulty disk. Try to download the game from the SIMS website and then use the game code that came with the game you bought.

I followed the link, and now Steam is trying to make me buy the game again. I already bought it, on disc. There's no "download" button on Steam, and I cannot find it on the Sims website.

There is a key, I just cannot fully download the game, it starts to download then just stops. It's a Sims3 Starter Pack (includes Base Game, High-End Loft, and Late Night)
I received the game as a gift, but I'm guessing it's from Target seeing as that's were I pointed it out and said I wanted it.