Can't connect android

I am assuming that the WiFi is turned on, on your phone. OK. If it says offline, are you sure that the WiFi is working? Not on your phone but the actual WiFi router or Modem. Are others able to connect to it?

If it is working, for sure, then I would try the following.

Go into your WiFi settings on the phone... "Settings", then tap the word "WiFi" - not the on/off.

Next tap the "three little dots/menu" and then "Advanced".

A few settings in here, if not done correctly, can cause problems.

Now make sure "Network notification" is checked. If it isn't, you will never know if you have an available network.

Be sure that "WiFi auto on" --- isn't --- checked. Why? I have seen more people have issues on phones and other devices due to...
Well showing data ability, or WiFi ability, on the top of the screen doesn't mean you actually have a connection. You need to be either have an account that has data, and be in an area that can access the data, or you need to have access to either open/public WiFi or access to private WiFi.

Do you currently have one or more of these?


May 21, 2016

I am assuming that the WiFi is turned on, on your phone. OK. If it says offline, are you sure that the WiFi is working? Not on your phone but the actual WiFi router or Modem. Are others able to connect to it?

If it is working, for sure, then I would try the following.

Go into your WiFi settings on the phone... "Settings", then tap the word "WiFi" - not the on/off.

Next tap the "three little dots/menu" and then "Advanced".

A few settings in here, if not done correctly, can cause problems.

Now make sure "Network notification" is checked. If it isn't, you will never know if you have an available network.

Be sure that "WiFi auto on" --- isn't --- checked. Why? I have seen more people have issues on phones and other devices due to this little setting. It doesn't have to be on to make your WiFi work. It will actually stay on all day, and not turn itself off, if you don't have this option turned on.

Set the "Keep WiFi on during sleep" set to Always. This will keep it from disconnecting every time the phones screen turns dark.

I would also suggest unchecking "Scanning always available" and "Avoid poor connections" as they also can lead to other issues, and the first one can be a major drain on your battery and resources.

Do have "WiFi optimization" checked.

Another note: You should "make sure" the settings you have on the phone for the particular WiFi you are trying to use are actually correct.

After all this, restart your phone.