syeila :
I can't find my webcam on my laptop please help how to find it 🙁
Kindly I ask your attention.
Could you be so kind and let us know what the brand and type of laptop you have?
You forgot to mention it,
😱 .
That's ok, just edit your question and we will look for it on the net.
What you are looking for is the brand name like Dell/HP and so on, than you need to look for a model name (if any) like Expirion and the model/type number like 1554 or something like that or a name with letters and/or numbers like AA098245 pr 23459AA.
If you have the information we need, you could do the same as we will do:
Start your browser, search with different search engines and use different phrases:
(Brand/model/number) specs
Than you will find links that will give you a website with specifications about your laptop. Than you can see if it has or not a cam onboard.
If not, let us know.
If it has, let us know too and we will look into it and try to find the best answer!
If you have an cam onboard, you should be able to find it ad Hardware.
Left click on Start, right click on My Computer or Computer, left click on Proportions and than a window will appear. Ad the left you will find on top Hardware Manager or similar to it, click on it and another windows will appear. Look ad Imaging Devices. See if there will be shown a hardware. If not, you have non installed or not recognized and not installed.
Click Start/Control Panel/Hardware and Sound/Device Manager/Imaging Devices
and click on the “Driver” tab and select “Enable” to enable the webcam, from here you can update the driver if you like. The last part if you have the cam recognized by Windows, it will be shown and if not, Windows didn't recognize it.
If not, you might need to install another drivers and/or software, that comes from the cam provider/firm. Firmware it's cold.
And when I'm not mistaken, you can update your laptop ad the firms website. Look for Automatic (Driver) Update (Online) and it will happen automatically online.
You can't stop the process or you might regret it!
So, get that brand/model/type version information and try the online update and let us known what is and what you need.
When doing manual/yourself, try to find additional software concerning to the cam.
Sometimes they have extra software for free, doesn't mean best, but might come in handy and might cost some money when downloading it somewhere else or sort of.
Hopefully I let you known enough and that you will find the answers you seek!
Good luck and have fun doing it!
Best Regards,