Solved! can't find youtube tv app on roku

Apr 22, 2018
My Roku is up to date and I searched for YouTube TV and it doesn't come up. Is my Roku too old? Say it is a 3500x
If its anything like youtube on the firestick, its been pulled from the app list.
Youtube is a google IP, and since google has the chromecast, they restricted it to their own hardware.
I just went and did a search on my roku. Went to menu and chose streaming channels, then search stream channels. If found:
You Tube and You Tube tv.
Don' t know if this is what you are looking for. I use them and did not try them out.

I searched in the same area w/ and w/out the space in "YouTube" and still no YouTube TV. I'm thinking either I have an older Roku or what Gam3r01 mentioned is correct. ??


Strange, I do not know what the difference is. unless it is a matter of location.
I have 2 roku's and they both show the same thing. I have a roku streaming stick and a roku express plus.
When I go to search streaming channels and type in YOU
The list on the right shows
Young Hollywood
Your tv for roku
Your bet your life Channel
You Tube TV

I just found this (date feb 2018):
It says youtube tv is available on select Roku devices.
it says:

Supported devices include all Roku TVs, Roku Ultra, Roku Streaming Stick Plus, Roku Streaming Stick, Roku Express/Express Plus, Roku Premiere Plus, Roku Premiere, Roku 4, Roku 3, and Roku 2. YouTube TV is currently available in over 80 metro areas across the US.

Hmmm. It is available in my area. Looking at the options on my Roku it just says Roku 3500x. I did purchase it awhile ago and through the pictures, it looks like an Express one. Thanks for your time. I'm giving up trying.