OKAY... I have had success, but not as expected. let me explain for all those that may come across this thread wondering how to get their contacts or pictures from Motorola V551 or Motorola V557.
Keep in mind, I am using Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
I got the Bluetooth but it did NO good for me. No matter WHAT I did it would ONLY connect to the Modem of the phone.
I had downloaded some old torrents of "Motorola Phone Tools 5.0.5" and "Motorola Mobile Phone Tools Deluxe 4 + USB Driver" to which these methods didn't work either with USB cable or Bluetooth.
DESPERATE, I started looking into creating a partition to install Windows XP to try that route when I (lo and behold) found something called "Windows XP Mode"
So considering i REALLY didn't want to do all that partition work, I thought I would give it a try (...to start [I thought]).
I installed Moto Tools 4 with the USB driver and it didn't work. I tried Bluetooth (BT) and it didn't work.
(I WILL defeat this dang phone I thought)
So I uninstalled 4 and installed Moto Tools (MT) 5.0.5 and again nothing via USB or BT.
I noticed that my USB devices weren't responding via virtual Windows XP. So I hit Google. "HUH." I thought, there is a menu at the top of XP Mode that has a button called USB!!! So I attached the USB BT device and NOW it took and installed on XP Mode.
"CRAP!" I thought, "Lemme try the USB to phone Cable now!!!"
WOO HOO... Windows began to search for a driver for the... CRAP! ...modem. AGAIN!
It searched. And it searched... to the point I had to ctrl-alt-del the proggy to stop it from searching.
Well, I thought, why not start from the begining, Use the LATEST (for the time WAY back then) MT 5.0.5 with the USB cable.
THERE were my pictures, my contacts... EVERYTHING MAN!!! EVERYTHING!!!
I have carried this phone for over 6 years JUST TO GET THIS ONE PICTURE FROM IT!!! (If you REALLY must know, it's a UFO)
But I have it, and now I can take a sledge hammer to this phone once and for all.
BTW, The phone I have is a Motorola V557 not V551 as I first thought.
THAT's my story, and I am sticking to it.