Archived from groups: alt.cellular.sprintpcs (More info?)
Hey I am new to this forum, but I found a product that actually works.
I bought this repeater/extender from www.solidsignal.com for $250 plus
shipping. I tried and returned the Andrews version and the new Wilson
Electronics version. This one from Wireless Extenders works. I can
not believe it. Solid Signal sell DIRECTV stuff (that I bought from
them in the past) and while I was surfing I found this item. I think
they are the only ones selling it (I looked around on the web and found
no one else). Anyways the part number is YX500-PCS and works with any
PCS phone. You can find it on www.solidsignal.com/cellular
Jerrball's Profile: http
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Hey I am new to this forum, but I found a product that actually works.
I bought this repeater/extender from www.solidsignal.com for $250 plus
shipping. I tried and returned the Andrews version and the new Wilson
Electronics version. This one from Wireless Extenders works. I can
not believe it. Solid Signal sell DIRECTV stuff (that I bought from
them in the past) and while I was surfing I found this item. I think
they are the only ones selling it (I looked around on the web and found
no one else). Anyways the part number is YX500-PCS and works with any
PCS phone. You can find it on www.solidsignal.com/cellular
Jerrball's Profile: http

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