Cheap digital camera recommendations in the UK



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I'm looking for a really cheap digital camera in the UK. I want the
camera to take pictures to put up on websites and for selling stuff on
eBay. For this reason I must have the facility to take good close-up
pictures of small items. I already have 2 film cameras and a camera in
my phone but this is basically hopeless for closeups. I intend to buy
an EOS 20D in the long term so I really don't want to spend more than
£50 (unless I absolutely have to in order to obtain the close-up /
macro facility I need).

Any ideas gratefully received,

Archived from groups: (More info?)

<> wrote in message

I'm looking for a really cheap digital camera in the UK. I want the
camera to take pictures to put up on websites and for selling stuff on
eBay. For this reason I must have the facility to take good close-up
pictures of small items. I already have 2 film cameras and a camera in
my phone but this is basically hopeless for closeups. I intend to buy
an EOS 20D in the long term so I really don't want to spend more than
£50 (unless I absolutely have to in order to obtain the close-up /
macro facility I need).

Some of the compact Nikon's have very good macro capabilities.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

<> wrote in message

I'm looking for a really cheap digital camera in the UK. I want the
camera to take pictures to put up on websites and for selling stuff on
eBay. For this reason I must have the facility to take good close-up
pictures of small items. I already have 2 film cameras and a camera in
my phone but this is basically hopeless for closeups. I intend to buy
an EOS 20D in the long term so I really don't want to spend more than
£50 (unless I absolutely have to in order to obtain the close-up /
macro facility I need).

Any ideas gratefully received,

You could find a second hand 2Mpixel camera and crop the image if it doesn't
have the macro facilty you want. A 2Mpixel camera can probably be cropped
down to 20% and still give the quality you need for eBay. My wife has an
Olympus C220 that cost £100 new and is now probably worth £30 second hand -
I guess she has taken 100 pictures on it. (It's not for sale by the way).
There must be lots of them out there on eBay - it has decent macro facility
by the way.

Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a really cheap digital camera in the UK. I want the
> camera to take pictures to put up on websites and for selling stuff on
> eBay. For this reason I must have the facility to take good close-up
> pictures of small items. I already have 2 film cameras and a camera in
> my phone but this is basically hopeless for closeups. I intend to buy
> an EOS 20D in the long term so I really don't want to spend more than
> £50 (unless I absolutely have to in order to obtain the close-up /
> macro facility I need).
> Any ideas gratefully received,
> David

Most cameras in the price range you mention are not equiped with
close-up features, let alone macro. Go ahead and wait for the 20D.

Ron Hunter
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Um... there seems to be some confusion about what I'm looking for -
sorry about that. What I want is a really really really cheap digital
camera, available in the UK, that takes close ups.


Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote:
> Um... there seems to be some confusion about what I'm looking for -
> sorry about that. What I want is a really really really cheap digital
> camera, available in the UK, that takes close ups.

What is the use for the photos? What is cheap? How close is close up?

I have a < 1MP Intel camera that takes very nice closeups, near macro:
fills a frame with an in-focus eyeglass lens. Les than thirty USD a
couple years ago, cheap as dirt now, I'd guess.

If 640 x 480 is enough for your purposes, look 'em up.