Cheapest way to noise free audio calls/recordings


May 29, 2007
I want my microphone to be as clear as possible when I use it. As it is, it has a lot of background noise as its boosted via win 7 64 mic boost @ 30db.

I read somewhere that getting an usb sound card will work for what I want even with a poor mic. Will getting a dedicated PCI card make any difference? PCI card like:

I don't need perfect sound- just a lot more sound and a lot less noise- for microphone only. I'm perfectly happy with on-board audio for actual audio.

What is the cheapest route I can take to get clear audio recordings and skype calls?
You could download a microphone graphic equalizer free software.
You would then turn off the mic boost and use the graphic eq to boost the mid frequencies where the voice is and cut the low and high frequencies and this would reduce the noise significantly.
Just go and look for a noise canceling microphone. It is designed just like you are talking about. They are ones like are being used at rock concerts (just not quite so strong) and you know how loud those can get. Do a search on "noise cancelling computer microphone" on Goolge and see what you would like to use.