"There was a feature in a Quake 3 mod, where if you stayed in one place for x seconds (camper) you died. It's a great way to discourage camping."
It seems some of you are lumping camping in with cheating, which simply isn't right. I personally find camping to be boring, but in some games it's your role to be a sniper, which lends itself to camping. If you don't like campers, go hunt them down. Don't call them cheaters. From what I've seen campers get far fewer kills than everyone else anyway in a group of experienced players.
It seems some of you are lumping camping in with cheating, which simply isn't right. I personally find camping to be boring, but in some games it's your role to be a sniper, which lends itself to camping. If you don't like campers, go hunt them down. Don't call them cheaters. From what I've seen campers get far fewer kills than everyone else anyway in a group of experienced players.