
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

The commercials talk of the new improved Network available to all 46
million customers. But thats not true. You need a phone that will accept
a 64K Sim, and a 64K Sim, which Cingular will sell you for $20.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

"Jack Zwick" <> wrote in message
> The commercials talk of the new improved Network available to all 46
> million customers. But thats not true. You need a phone that will accept
> a 64K Sim, and a 64K Sim, which Cingular will sell you for $20.

Nope- not true. All 46 million subscribers can talk on a new and improved
network. Your lies are not even getting creative.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

"Jack Zwick" <> wrote in message
> The commercials talk of the new improved Network available to all 46
> million customers. But thats not true. You need a phone that will accept
> a 64K Sim, and a 64K Sim, which Cingular will sell you for $20.

Does "lies" in your subject serve as a plural noun, or a verb?
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

"Jack Zwick" <> wrote in message
> The commercials talk of the new improved Network available to all 46
> million customers. But thats not true. You need a phone that will accept
> a 64K Sim, and a 64K Sim, which Cingular will sell you for $20.

Now that you are an executive at Cingular, you can just give the phones and
SIMs away while continuing to expand the coverage to all 46 million people
for free. In fact, send me one of those SIMs, please. Heck, send me a phone-
no, two phones. And two SIMs.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

[POSTED TO alt.cellular.cingular - REPLY ON USENET PLEASE]

In <> on Fri, 03 Dec
2004 19:12:01 GMT, FUDMEISTER Jack Zwick <> wrote:

>The commercials talk of the new improved Network available to all 46
>million customers. But thats not true.

It actually *is* true -- ATTWS subscribers have been able to roam freely on
Cingular for some time, and Cingular subscribers can now roam freely on ATTWS,
making both networks available to all subscribers.

>You need a phone that will accept
>a 64K Sim, and a 64K Sim, which Cingular will sell you for $20.

Free roaming works fine with old SIMs.

John Navas <>