Circuit City Offers Discount Dignity

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I went in, and found that their 50% off price for a Western Digital drive was still 25% higher than what I could buy it for from NewEgg... my wife got an inexpensive PSP game though, and I picked up some floppy disks.
During the early part of the sale, all the good stuff was still too expensive (ended up buying only cheap DVDs).

I went in again over the weekend, got myself a USB battery pack for my phone (its a battery pack with a USB port). Thing was normally $50, got it for $15 (bought 2 actually).

The only other stuff left were miscellaneous cables, power plugs, etc.. from all the in-store displays and lots of display-items (missing cables, power plugs, etc...). Even things like shelf-stocking ladders and hand-carts had been sold.

I have to wonder if the employees hadn't already grabbed the last good stuff to take home for themselves, I know I would have.
I was able to get a 25' Coaxial cable and a 5 way cable splitter, so I could hook my computer to the cable so I could watch tv, and it only cost me $4. Those kinds of cable splitters are generally $20-$50 (depends where ya go) and that kind of cable would have regularly been about $20-$30. I'd say for $4, I got a hell of a deal.
Really all you guys that are talking about how expensive circuit city really must have never shopped there before. I was a manager for circuit city a few years ago and we carried more tvs than best buy did and we consistently had the same or better prices than best buy. Yeah we were more expensive than online sites but any brick and mortar store is going to be higher than online retailers. Also circuit city has no control over any prices or policies right now they are all being controlled by "great american closeout" or whatever the company is called. And last every store that ever closes out does the exact same thing (mark their products to regular price and then take a % off). my friends that still work there were cracking up because everything in the store was cheaper in the sale ad that was supposed to go out on the 1st week of closeout.
Being from Canada, I wonder what happens to "The Source" stores, many of which were formerly Radio Shack. The Source is owned by Circuit City -- in fact the full name of the store is called "The Source by Circuit City." That said, that stores themselves aren't really anything special when there's a Future Shop or Best Buy nearby.
[citation][nom]Superblahman123[/nom]I was able to get a 25' Coaxial cable and a 5 way cable splitter, so I could hook my computer to the cable so I could watch tv, and it only cost me $4. Those kinds of cable splitters are generally $20-$50 (depends where ya go) and that kind of cable would have regularly been about $20-$30. I'd say for $4, I got a hell of a deal.[/citation]
Where the hell are you buying splitters for $20-$50, I need to setup a show there. Even 4 way 2.4Ghz Sat splitters should be under $20. 5-900Mhz 2 ways are $4 top even in retail. And $20-$30 for 25' of coax, did you buy the Monster Cable coax? RG6 50' with ends is $11-12
Discounts... whatever! I liked CC and was rooting for them prior to the liquidation sales. Once they started their discount liquidation sales, quickly I realized it was all bogus. I've gone several times to their closing stores and noticed the same old trick... raise the sticker price and then discount. In almost all cases including out-of-box items, the discount price wasn't any better than Amazon or Newegg regular prices including shipping. Not only are they out of business... they are out of business morals too. Good riddance... now I know why you are bankrupt.
Anyone know if CC (The Source) in Canada to close anytime soon?

And if they going to offer liquidation sale?

I'll miss CC, if only to spend my 15-20 minutes looking before the movies start.
We never bought from there.
Their 20%off probably comes from the MSR price;not their sales price.

Damn that submit my comment button!
Why do I need to log out and in again to post (in iexplore and FF)?
50" Panasonic Viera 1080p for $950, Sony Cybershot (8.1MP) for $105 and 16GB SanDisk Cruzer Contour for 45$. Not 100% on the camera, but the Cruzer was a deal and the plasma was cheaper than my 42" Panny 720p. All in all a good day.
[citation][nom]snarfsnarf[/nom]Really all you guys that are talking about how expensive circuit city really must have never shopped there before. I was a manager for circuit city a few years ago and we carried more tvs than best buy did and we consistently had the same or better prices than best buy. Yeah we were more expensive than online sites but any brick and mortar store is going to be higher than online retailers. Also circuit city has no control over any prices or policies right now they are all being controlled by "great american closeout" or whatever the company is called. And last every store that ever closes out does the exact same thing (mark their products to regular price and then take a % off). my friends that still work there were cracking up because everything in the store was cheaper in the sale ad that was supposed to go out on the 1st week of closeout.[/citation]

Dude , circut city's prices have always sucked compared to best buy , wal mart and target , the only store's prices they didn't suck worse than would be sears. i don't shop there either.

as for CC can't say i'll miss them, they weren't competition to most stores any way, i only feel bad fort eh minimum wage employees that lsot thier jobs this week end... not sure how CC pays but i bet it was better than walmart pays
If it wasn't for the easy returns I would never of shopped at CC , same for BB..
I actually scored an XBox 360 Pro for $229 from a local Circuit City fire sale. :)

At least that was one of the few things that weren't marked "up-and-down." Then again, MSRPs on consoles are so well-known, that it would be hard to get away with something like that with them...
Circuit city sucked! they had all 42 inch hdtvs at 1k and over before they went bankrupt. A stupid store. They had leather couches for everyone just to sit down and watch a movie and not buy a thing. While everyone was lowering budgets and buying less useless things and turning of tvs at the display. CC was buyins leather sofas , keeping all tvs on, internet at all overpriced computers and a heck of alot of employees for a store half tyhe size of wal-mart.
They (probably the liquidators) jacked the prices WAY up and then cut it back.

Case in point: a single USB 2.0 A/B cable (like you'd find on MonoPrice for $0.85) marked as "original price" $33.00 and then marked down to $15.00. What a deal, huh..?

Are people really this dumb?
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