clearly never been hacked since 2000

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Oct 7, 2017
I got hacked by a company calling themselves Coinbase this was in august 12 of this year not only did we lose the money in that account we lost all money that was set up as 2fa The details was a threat from the security team of coinbase after I told the bot they were not a currency but a wallet and I wouldn't send my wife to the store with envelopes to buy dinner. I was mad I had been fraudulently charged. I got one call out to capital one before all of our devices phones laptops and even my daughtrers tablet were destroyed. No one would help google said they were protecting my privacy even though it was my account. The company enterened my gmail account and tried to destroy my life first trying to make me look gay and then making me look wanted. I was not so much upset but the monetary loss but that my family and community members chose to think I had lost my mind literally locking me in a psych ward because I was too agitated I got out and guess what I still felt the same. church going people could not believe that a company can see and hear through your phones. Every phone company told me to contact them online oh really how might I do that when all my pass words had been changed and my phones no longer worked. I got a new phone and instantly it didn't work. all email accounts were syncing even if not a google account. I couldn't not eat or sleep after reading the source code companies such as was coming up and they copy servers and sim cards they have the ability to stop a vehicle. I was scared for my family yet no one had any answers. When I looked info up phone numbers and emails were blocked by two programs one called JSON and the other called Geo JSON I begged anyone for help it was driving me crazy. I would tell the librarians I was going to knock out their computers and phones and they would laught like I was mel Gibson. then when it would happen it was a coincidence so I would come back again same thing. no one would be quiet and let me cover the cameras so they could see what was happening. Finally a librarian watched and say that I could not make an email address anywhere and if I bought a phone with a credit card it wouldn't work. we are a young family I am a painter and my wife is a teacher, still no help LE had no idea seemingly placing the blame on something I must have don't and that I shouldn't have been so rude to that bot. I asked anyone to go three days without making a call or using any tech but no one would ever do it they just told me I needed to get over it. When a company and it was clearly them the only things that disappeared were about them and the help I needed and couldn't get only pertained to them after weeks they send a message to the wrong email one I hadn't used for anything then it switched to the other it arrived august 23 at 223am but was written on aug 23 at 11pm i saw that as proof that my calls were not connecting or taking so long to connect before they would hang up were going to a server owned by Mobitek. Also in the sourse code was a site called mapbox which literally allowed them to follow me around. The more i tried to explain the emails and the codes the less people listened and the more angry i got Mobiteks api program costs a lot and I'm not worth anything so i was worried about the end game why would a company spend so much am i that much of a threat. I destroyed my computers realizing that since i didn't have control and these people were this vial i had no choice i didn't know what what on there anymore. I have to return every phone or computer i get. it has destroyed my relationship with my parents and my wife. they say let it go but i cant because its still happening and its easy to say move on when you can use the phone i am epileptic and take care of my daughter i cant even make emergency calls on phones. I have had my life stolen and no one cares cricket said they were calling the police on me because after a month of doing what they said they told me it was my fault i explained about my sim card having been copied he said it was I'mpossible this from a company who had Equifax as a trusted credential. I told him its because of assholes like you that navy ships run into bigger ships in a giant ocean. they are cryptographers some of the best coders in the world what do i do when even the feds say just start all over we have tried and now can barely eat do i change my name should i leave my family so i don't put them in danger. i finally got a number and called i spent 13 hours and it would say all our people are busy then at 42 minutes it says there are no people and hangs up. I'm sure if this gets posted i will never be able to use this computer again but luckily i can return it. but the stress is killing me and my family my parents think i have lost my my mind even though when they are with me their phones which aren't androids connect to every Bluetooth device in the neighborhood we are working in. I'm sad to lose my family i am sad to be locked up in a ward when i needed tech help now i am seen as a mental case instead of the graphic designer i was once known to be. i am just too stupid to make an email address or like my mom says don't use facebook as she posts more pictures of my daughter pictures i cant see most the time all baby pictures were erased by them. someone phishing would have not cared what i said about coinbase bc they would just be using them as a means to get cash. I have lost everything and I'm glad everyone thinks its a joke that you can function as an adult without technology especially when computers are what you went to champlain college for. I just hope someone reads this maybe someone feels the same before i spend another cemt on phones or computers i am going to use that money to find brian Armstrong. who has destroyed a family as he counts his bitcoin i was hoping mindcraft whould come out wioth a new game and they would forget about me but clearly that isn't happening. They literally threatened ,me in the details of the email and now it looks like i was talking to myself in an email sent by me to me. I hope brian knows he should have been an adultyt and not hid behind a screen watching my 2 and half yearold cry as he messed up her tablet. no one took their threat serious so I'm sure no one will take mine actually he probably will because after years of getting picked on on the playground he thinks its ok to threaten me and my family and not even respond to one email sent to him. I will not threaten him but i will find hin my number is 8023451912 please brian give me a call then fix everything you fucked up because your bot thought you were a currency and you stole peoples money i took nothing from you i went through the right channels and still he hides. If i lose my family or this gets worse he wont have to call ive delt with his bullshit for months and coingox didn't even deny it was them credit one rated them as a fraudulent company i canceled my card on the 12th and on the 14th coingox charged me again this time with my new card one i hadn't asked for yet or activated. luckily there is enough to find my way to cali I'm not worried about a return flight The sad thing is not only has he ruined the reputation of a multimillion dollar company but he is clearly into toddlers and no one will do that to my daughter so maybe we can get a message to brains mom or dad or any family member for him to put down his joystick and be a man button your pants and make things right before people like me and others he has done this too make ourselves whole again. I'm not threatening him I'm saying i will find him or maybe someone else in san fran or la will i just hope they are as nice as i am if he had just stopped after the fraudulent charges it would have never got this far. you hide behind a computer and myself and my friends in los zetas will come for an afternoon of grand auto. And if he takes that as a threat i would have to say not only is he a piece of shit but a racist one. I'm sure you will never post this or even look into the others he has done it to or what he has done to us, because if you really carried not only would you post it and find help but probably invest in pressure cookers. why will no tech person stand up for the people this is happening too you type your articles like you know what its like to lose everything because some dork is made that he has a company that is a wallet and not a cryptocurrency. Instead he made my baby cry for two weeks until her tablet would work again. My pop always said don't mess with someone with nothing left to lose and brian Armstrong took it all away. i see stock in coingox going down amd stock in pressure cookers going up. i have nothing left for him to take he took relationships with family he took money he took security Thank god for Garcia. the Mexicans know what family means. is tom the next guy to hide or the first decent person the first to help through other tech people i don't need help finding him but thanks I'm giving him time luckily he was sued by a lawyer in new York Tripp didn't help but his paper work did so at the least tell others not to invest there i had nothing against this company i don't live near them i only had a small amount if any money in coinbase the only reason i am going to come see him is because he will not return a call or an email if you have to hide your business behind fake addresses clearly your business practices are not up to snuff i want him to know everytime he sees a Mexican all it took was me working with them in prison and leaving him money shoes and boots so with all that money he is only worth a pair of jail sneakers i changed my life to have his company try to destroy it i have one sd card of his emails from the first day so every tear he cries matters none because its all poisoned fruit for months i wrote i told everyone i had people watch and you said nothing but i have a feeling when he sees a read light he is going to pray its just me turning on his camera on lis laptop and not shinning through his window clearly there is no actions against the real criminals in this country maybe tom will stand up maybe tom can put me in touch with the right people or maybe he will think it was ok for coinbase to threaten and harrrass us, and make it so we cant even buy food til next Friday. and i don't know tom but i wouldn't stand up for brian shit i wouldn't even stand near him I'm sure I'm not the only one looking and I'm just looking who knows what others who lost everything will do and as more and more are hacked and frustration grows I'm sure they wont just be looking to talk so its time to decide are you a man of principles or a man child like brian Armstrong who hides leaving his ex partner in the wind and way wasier to find dude doesn't even stand up for his friends like i said when coinbase first sent the threat he will leave his people in the wind because he is too busy over charging making fraudulent charges so he can crowdfund his site why would he watch my daughter los zetas or jail either way does look good for the creeper and he can saw whatever about me now because he said nothing for months clearly he took it too far or his people did and now theres one was out i hope to hear from him soon he hopes to call me soon you can hang up on my calls to my dying grandparents or not let me call the doctor when my daughter was sick but if he was worried about me he would have responded to the many times i left my phone number now it would just be him trying to get himself out of a bad situation those programs even just mobitek cost more than it cost me for a friends help enjoy the traffic get a taco on the way to work and tom they said you had back bone you have my number too i have code pictures and tons of evidence what if it was your family what would you do i hope its what people have said brian makes two year olds cry he is only a threat to children and the company he used to run before he thought money got you out of everything the answer is family not money and luckily i treated my southern friends like family and in san fran the sfsf (you can look them up know me too also treated like family) if he wants to go north steer clear of Portland and the irish pride before i had a family i treated everyone i met with respect. Even at occupy I'm siure they will be willing to sit outside his fake address or his partners real one he knows where i am he can call this is just a response to a threat so toom report it if you need to but id do the right thing stand up for the people who were robbed and threatened not the one defending his family. The best part is i told them when they were ;istening on my phone and they thought it was a joke but by pushing and pushing i got put in a psychward I'm loco now he should have responded before i lost my mind so lets see tom is there one techie who has morals who is willing tp stand up fopr the people who reads his blog or you going to hope brian doesn't like beans as you can tell I'm beyond angry that every tech person has covered for them i was the kid who stuck up for those kids on the playground did i make a mistake
yup I was write deaf ears and people unwilling to even speak of what is happening In the above "story" I wrote about talking to local and feds and there is nothing they can do except help me wiith getting money back from credit card companies. So that's toms great advice go back to the police. not speak of it or look into point me in a direction of a white hat. just go back and tell them whats happening again. great plan your article should have said don't get hacked and if you do well theres nothing you can do. All these people claim to know computers and technology and seemingly all they can do is say report it to google (which doesn't work) or go back to the cops. thanks for your help, so just so I get this right you click contact us on the google page and then hit the stop harassing my family button on coinbase's site. I'm sure 5 less people will read what I wrote than what you did. I got myself a plane ticket and a copy of catcher in the rye. I bet you haven't heard of one of those companies or programs. people always say how did this happen how did it go so wrong ill tell you its a lot of people doing nothing. how about a blog about the company coinbase? IT people are like meteorologist they sit at there computers but couldn't tell you if its raining out no one can say I didn't try my best to find help. not worth anyones time nor does anyone seem to have the skill they do. everyone believes because they can use facebook and use photoshop they are pros. I saw forget the blog and keep doing the navigational programs for the Navy
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